The PrestaShop e-commerce platform module EU Cookie Law GDPR (Banner + Blocker) contains a Blind SQL injection vulnerability up to version 2.1.2. This module is widely deployed and is a “Best seller” on the add-ons store.


  • CVE ID: CVE-2022-44727
  • Published at: 2022-11-06
  • Advisory source:
  • Platform: PrestaShop
  • Product: lgcookieslaw
  • Impacted release: >=1.5.0 and <2.1.3 (2.1.3 fixed the vulnerability)
  • Product author: Línea Gráfica
  • Weakness: CWE-89
  • Severity: critical (9.8)


The EU Cookie Law GDPR (Banner + Blocker) module before 2.1.3 for PrestaShop allows SQL Injection via a cookie ( lgcookieslaw or __lglaw ).

CVSS base metrics

  • Attack vector: network
  • Attack complexity: low
  • Privilege required: none
  • User interaction: none
  • Scope: unchanged
  • Confidentiality: high
  • Integrity: high
  • Availability: high

Vector string: CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H

Possible malicious usage

This vulnerability permits reading the shop’s database, allowing access to PII, and installing malware such as credit card stealers.

The vulnerability lies in a cookie used by the module to store the user’s choices.

Proof of concept

Version 2

For newer versions of the module, the cookie lgcookieslaw contains a Base64 encoded JSON object instead of CSV.

To exploit these versions, you’ll need to modify the lgcookieslaw_accepted_purposes of the object and then reencode to Base64:

"lgcookieslaw_accepted_purposes":"[\"1\",\"2\",\"3\",\"4\",\"5 AND SLEEP(5)"]"

Version 1

For older versions set the __lglaw cookie to 1,2,3,4) AND SLEEP(5)--.

Patch of release 2.4.3

Version 2

--- 2.x.x-/lgcookieslaw/classes/LGCookiesLawPurpose.php
+++ 2.1.3/lgcookieslaw/classes/LGCookiesLawPurpose.php
    public static function getLockedModules($enabled_purposes = null, $id_shop = null, $active = true)
        $context = Context::getContext();

        if (is_null($id_shop)) {
            $id_shop = $context->shop->id;

        $query = new DbQuery();

        $query->select('a.`' . self::$definition['primary'] . '`, a.`locked_modules`');
        $query->from(self::$definition['table'], 'a');
        $query->where('a.`id_shop` = ' . (int)$id_shop);

        if (!is_null($enabled_purposes)) {
+           $enabled_purposes = implode(', ', array_map('intval', explode(',', $enabled_purposes)));
            $query->where('a.`' . self::$definition['primary'] .'` NOT IN (' . pSQL($enabled_purposes) . ')');

        if ($active) {
            $query->where('a.`active` = ' . (int)$active);

        return Db::getInstance()->executeS($query);

Other recommendations

  • It’s recommended to upgrade to the latest version of the module lgcookieslaw.
  • To help improve the security of your PrestaShop installation, we recommend upgrading to the latest version. One of the benefits of upgrading is that it will disable the use of multiquery executions (separated by semicolons). However, please be aware that this will not protect your shop against SQL injection attacks that use the UNION clause to steal data. Additionally, it’s important to note that PrestaShop includes a function called pSQL, which includes a strip_tags function. This helps protect your shop against Stored XSS (also known as XSS T2) of Category 1. If a pSQL function is missing, it could potentially expose your project to critical Stored XSS vulnerabilities due to edge cases. Therefore, it’s crucial to ensure that all relevant functions are properly implemented and used consistently throughout your project.
  • Change the default database prefix ps_ by a new longer arbitrary prefix. Nevertheless, be warned that this is useless against blackhats with DBA senior skill because of a design vulnerability in DBMS
  • Activate OWASP 942’s rules on your WAF (Web application firewall), be warned that you will probably break your backoffice and you will need to pre-configure some bypasses against these set of rules.